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What To Know About Treating An Itchy Scalp
Health & Wellness

What To Know About Treating An Itchy Scalp

No one likes an itchy scalp. It’s one of the things that one tends to forget the severity of until they experience it again and realize the agony of resisting the urge to scratch crazily in public. Understandably, then, an itchy scalp is something that everyone wants to avoid at all costs.
Psoriasis – Its Types and Symptoms
Health & Wellness

Psoriasis – Its Types and Symptoms

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder that affects people of all ages. It causes red, scaly patches that often manifest on elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. These patches occur due to a rapid buildup of skin cells, forming thick scales that may cause an itching or burning sensation. Around 8 million people nationwide live with psoriasis.
4 Must-know Symptoms of Heart Failure
Health & Wellness

4 Must-know Symptoms of Heart Failure

The heart performs several critical functions in the human body. However, certain diseases can cause the organ to fail and work less efficiently. Chest pain is usually the most well-known indicator when that happens. However, there can be several other symptoms as well. This article lists four signs your heart is failing, followed by additional indicators to look for.
All You Need To Know About Infant Daycare Centers
Health & Wellness

All You Need To Know About Infant Daycare Centers

Infant daycares are very common across the country. The infant daycare centers have been started in the country owing to great proof of better brain development and cognitive behaviors. These centers boost academic excellence in students by giving early childhood education. Always visit an infant daycare center before you enroll your child in one, you can visit the centers close by when you are pregnant so that there is a filtered list of centers to choose from.
5 Remedies To Naturally Get Rid Of Fleas
Health & Wellness

5 Remedies To Naturally Get Rid Of Fleas

Summers are great for outings, adventure and exploring. Not just for us, but even for our pets! They love to be outdoors, running around in the gardens, or playing with water, and basically coming in close contact with all the natural parasites as well! It is almost fall, and flea season is just around the corner.
7 Nursing Homes That Offer Top-Notch Care
Health & Wellness

7 Nursing Homes That Offer Top-Notch Care

As people age and become more prone to diseases, ailments, and issues with mobility, they require round-the-clock care. Many facilities offer nursing services and healthcare assistance for the elderly, so you can rest assured that your loved ones have all the necessary help. Further, seniors can thrive in a home-like environment that’s more comfortable than a hospital.
The Dos And Don’Ts Of Diverticulitis Diet
Health & Wellness

The Dos And Don’Ts Of Diverticulitis Diet

In the lining of the digestive system, small pouch-like formations are sometimes seen in the large intestine’s lower part. These formations are called diverticula, and they usually appear after the age of 40 years. While diverticula generally do not cause problems, they can get infected or inflamed in rare cases.
Here Is What You Need To Know About Portable Oxygen Concentrator Systems
Health & Wellness

Here Is What You Need To Know About Portable Oxygen Concentrator Systems

A portable oxygen concentrator system is a piece of equipment that aids breathing by filtering and purifying the oxygen from the surrounding air. Doctors recommend these devices to people who are unable to breathe well on their own. The portable oxygen concentrator can help one get more oxygen with less effort.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Symptoms And Diagnosis
Health & Wellness

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Symptoms And Diagnosis

An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammation in the joints and damage in several parts of the body. Under this condition, the immune system of the body works abnormally and attacks the joints of the body causing the inner lining of the joints to thicken. Thus, the patient experiences swelling and severe pain.
An Overview Of Congestive Heart Failure
Health & Wellness

An Overview Of Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a chronic condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently to the various organs in the body. This happens when the muscles in the heart are either blocked or restricted. The weakened muscles are then unable to perform effectively. Due to this, blood and other fluids eventually start getting back up inside the lungs, the liver, or the abdomen.
10 Signs of Colon Cancer to Know
Health & Wellness

10 Signs of Colon Cancer to Know

Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Apart from skin cancers, it is the third most common cancer in the country. That said, if diagnosed early, colon cancer is manageable. To get a prompt diagnosis, it is crucial to recognize and address the early signs of colon cancer as soon as possible.
An Overview Of Flu- Types, Symptoms, And Treatment
Health & Wellness

An Overview Of Flu- Types, Symptoms, And Treatment

Flu, or influenza, is a respiratory ailment that is caused by a virus. Highly contagious, flu normally spreads when the infected individual sneezes or coughs. It can also spread by touching an individual, for example, shaking hands with the infected individual. Adults are contagious a day or two before the symptoms start and after becoming ill up to seven days.

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