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Arthritis Pain Relief
Health & Wellness

Arthritis Pain Relief

Arthritis is a condition characterized by the inflammation of joints in the body. Joints are the meeting point of two unique bones, so parts like knees, elbows, and shoulders are made up of joints. Arthritis can affect any of these joints, causing varying levels of pain and discomfort. This can make simple everyday tasks such as walking or climbing the stairs difficult, making it important to seek relief from arthritis pain.
Advanced Prostate Cancer – Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention
Health & Wellness

Advanced Prostate Cancer – Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

One of the most common types of cancer in men is prostate cancer. Often, prostate cancer is diagnosed in men who are above the age of 65. Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of cancer to develop in the prostate. This cancer usually grows in the tissue of a gland, here, the prostate.
Understanding The Symptoms And Treatments Of Atopic Dermatitis
Health & Wellness

Understanding The Symptoms And Treatments Of Atopic Dermatitis

Skin disorders can lead to short-term health issues or result in chronic complications. Atopic dermatitis is a common, long-lasting skin disorder that can cause discomfort and visible skin issues. That said, the condition can be managed, especially if diagnosed in time. To make that possible, it is important to recognize and quickly address the common symptoms of the condition and consult a dermatologist.
Know About the Different Stages of NSCLC and Its Treatment
Health & Wellness

Know About the Different Stages of NSCLC and Its Treatment

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) consists of about 85 percent of lung cancer cases. There are three subtypes of NSCLC — squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma. The stages of NSCLC are based on the location of the cancer and whether it has spread from the lungs to the lymph nodes or other organs of the body.
Chronic Asthma – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments
Health & Wellness

Chronic Asthma – Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

A chronic respiratory condition, asthma causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs. This swelling causes the airways to constrict and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe. For some asthmatic patients, the condition can be a mild and occasional nuisance. However, for others, it can be a major concern, as it could severely impact their daily life.
All You Need To Know About Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Health & Wellness

All You Need To Know About Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a hereditary sickness influencing the portion of the sensory system that controls the movement of voluntary muscles. The vast majority of the nerve cells that control muscles are situated in the spinal cord, which represents the word spinal given in the name of the ailment.
4 Frequently Asked Questions About Advanced Prostate Cancer
Health & Wellness

4 Frequently Asked Questions About Advanced Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer originates in the prostate gland of a person. When cancer progresses and spreads to other parts of the body, it is known to have metastasized and is considered to be an advanced prostate cancer stage. Prostate cancer can spread directly to the nearby tissues or from the lymph nodes to the distant parts of the body.
Here Is What You Should Know About Atopic Dermatitis
Health & Wellness

Here Is What You Should Know About Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis also referred to as eczema is a skin disorder caused due to inflammation that results in red, scaly, and patchy skin. This chronic skin condition exhibits several early symptoms. Refer to these commonly answered questions on the skin condition to find out more. Which are the most common atopic dermatitis symptoms?
5 Painless Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

5 Painless Ways To Tighten Your Neck Skin

Many people forget paying attention to their neck while running behind getting a young-looking face. But what these people don’t realize is that the neck is as important as the face. As you age, your neck starts to lose its firm and tight look and it becomes saggy and floppy.
Facts To Know About Bottled Water Brands
Health & Wellness

Facts To Know About Bottled Water Brands

Walking down the street and feel extremely thirsty? The first thing you do is go grab a bottle of water from a store out there, right? It thus, comes as no surprise that billions of bottles of water are sold every day. Bottled water is very convenient and makes for the best drink on the go.

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